PHYS 452 Quantum Mechanics II (Fall 2017)
Location & Contact Info
Instructor: Sergiy Bubin
Lecture Hours: Tue,Thu 9:00 AM - 10:15 PM in room 7.427
Recitations: Thu 3:00 PM - 4:15 PM in room 7.427
Office Hours: Tue,Thu 10:20 AM - 11:30 AM in room 7.204 (or by appointment)
Phone: +7 (7172) 69 46 63
Course Description
A significant part of this course is dedicated to the approximate methods of quantum mechanics:
the variational method including the Hartree-Fock approach), stationary and time-dependent
perturbation theory, semiclassical approximation, and adiabatic approximation. Students will also
learn the basics of quantum scattering theory. If time permits, some elements of relativistic
quantum mechanics and/or the formalism of second quantization will be considered. The course will
include two lectures per week accompanied by a recitation.
Course Info
Syllabus: syllabus.pdf
Required Textbook
David J. Griffiths, Introduction to Quantum Mechanics (2nd Edition)
Other Useful References
Many other texts exist on quantum mechanics both at the introductory and more advanced level,
some can be found in the library, and can also be very useful in this course.
Students are encouraged to explore those. Examples of the introductory level textbooks are:
- Richard Liboff, Introductory Quantum Mechanics (4th Edition)
- Robert Scherrer, Quantum Mechanics: An Accessible Introduction
- Robert Eisberg, David O. Caldwell, and Richard J. Christman, Quantum Physics of Atoms, Molecules, Solids, Nuclei, and Particles
- Ira N. Levine, Quantum Chemistry (6th Edition)
Homework Assignments
Lecture Materials
Important note: Lecture materials provided below may be inclomplete
and should not be considered a substitute for notes taken in class or textbook materials
| Date
| File
| Topic
Lecture #1 |
Sep 5 |
lec01.pdf |
Variational method. |
Lecture #2 |
Sep 7 |
lec02.pdf |
Variational upper bounds for excited states. Rayleigh-Ritz method. |
Lecture #3 |
Sep 9 |
lec03.pdf |
Variational method applied to helium atom. |
Lecture #4 |
Sep 12 |
lec04.pdf |
Hydrogen molecular ion. |
Lecture #5 |
Sep 14 |
lec05.pdf |
Hartree-Fock method. |
Lecture #6 |
Sep 19 |
lec06.pdf |
Stationary perturbation theory for non-degenerate states. |
Lecture #7 |
Sep 21 |
lec07.pdf |
Stationary perturbation theory for degenerate states. |
Lecture #8 |
Sep 23 |
lec08.pdf |
Stark effect in hydrogen atom. |
Lecture #9 |
Sep 26 |
lec09.pdf |
Relativistic correction in hydrogen. |
Lecture #10 |
Sep 28 |
lec10.pdf |
Spin-orbit interaction. |
Lecture #11 |
Oct 3 |
lec11.pdf |
Zeeman effect. |
Lecture #12 |
Oct 5 |
lec12.pdf |
Hyperfine structure. |
Lecture #13 |
Oct 17 |
lec13.pdf |
WKB approximation. |
Lecture #14 |
Oct 19 |
lec14.pdf |
Bohr-Sommerfeld quantization rules. Semiclassical barrier tunneling. Cold emission of electrons from metal. Gamow's theory of alpha-decay. |
Lecture #15 |
Oct 24 |
lec15.pdf |
Time-dependence and transitions between states. |
Lecture #16 |
Oct 26 |
lec16.pdf |
Time-dependent perturbation theory. |
Lecture #17 |
Oct 31 |
lec17.pdf |
Harmonic perturbation. |
Lecture #18 |
Nov 2 |
lec18.pdf |
Selection rules for electric dipole transitions. |
Lecture #19 |
Nov 7 |
lec19.pdf |
Dynamics of two-level atom. Rabi oscillations. |
Lecture #20 |
Nov 9 |
Fermi golden rule. |
Lectures #21-22 |
Nov 16 |
lec21-22.pdf |
Quantum scattering. Partial wave analysis. Phase shifts. |
Lecture #23 |
Nov 21 |
lec23.pdf |
Lippmann-Schwinger equation. Born approximation. |
Lecture #23 |
Nov 23 |
lec24.pdf |
Adiabatic theorem. |
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