PHYS 452: Quantum Mechanics II (Spring 2015)
Location & Contact Info
Instructor: Sergiy Bubin
Lecture Hours: Tue,Thu 12:00 PM - 1:15 PM at room 8.318
Recitations: Thu 9:00 AM - 10:15 AM at room 7.427
Office Hours: Tue,Thu 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM at room 7.204 (or by appointment)
Phone: +7 (7172) 69 46 63
Course Description
In this course, students learn quantum-mechanical perturbation theory, quasi-classical approximation, systems of identical quantum particles - fermions and bosons, Hartree-Fock approximation for many particle systems, and the quantum scattering theory. The course concludes with elements of relativistic quantum theory.
Course Info
Syllabus: syllabus.pdf
Required Textbook
David J. Griffiths, Introduction to Quantum Mechanics (2nd Edition)
Other Useful References
Many other texts exist on quantum mechanics at the introductory level,
some can be found in the library, and can also be very useful in this course.
Students are encouraged to explore those. Examples are:
- Richard Liboff, Introductory Quantum Mechanics (4th Edition)
- Robert Scherrer, Quantum Mechanics: An Accessible Introduction
- Robert Eisberg, David O. Caldwell, and Richard J. Christman, Quantum Physics of Atoms, Molecules, Solids, Nuclei, and Particles
- Ira N. Levine, Quantum Chemistry (6th Edition)
Homework Submission Guidelines
The submission of only answers is not acceptable. Homework must show
sufficient proof that a derivation of the solution was carried out.
Any student wishing to have the best possible grades on homework returned must:
- Staple pages together and clearly indicate problem numbers
- Turn in neat and readable homework as points may be deducted otherwise
- Show work! Solutions or answers turned in without explanation will not receive full credit
Homework submission in paper form is strongly preferred. However, electronic submissions
via email (e.g. a pdf file of scanned pages) are acceptable for those students who are
away or must miss a class when the homework is due.
Homework Assignments
Lecture Materials
Warning: Lecture materials provided below may be inclomplete
and are no substitute for notes taken in class or textbook materials
| Date
| File
| Topic
Lecture #1 |
Jan 13 |
lec01.pdf |
Variational method. |
Lecture #2 |
Jan 20 |
lec02.pdf |
Variational method for excited states. Rayleigh-Ritz scheme. |
Lecture #3 |
Jan 22 |
lec03.pdf |
Variational method applied to the helium atom.
Lecture #4 |
Jan 20 |
lec04.pdf |
Hydrogen molecular ion.
Lecture #5 |
Jan 27 |
lec05.pdf |
The Hartree-Fock approximation. |
Lecture #6 |
Jan 29 |
lec06.pdf |
Stationary perturbation theory for nondegenerate states. |
Lecture #7 |
Feb 3 |
lec07.pdf |
Stationary perturbation theory for degenerate states. |
Lecture #8 |
Feb 5 |
lec08.pdf |
The Stark effect in hydrogen atom. |
Lecture #9 |
Feb 10 |
lec09.pdf |
Relativistic (mass-velocity) correction in hydrogen atom. |
Lecture #10 |
Feb 12 |
lec10.pdf |
Spin-orbit interaction. |
Lecture #11 |
Feb 14 |
lec11.pdf |
The Zeeman effect. |
Lecture #12 |
Feb 17 |
lec12.pdf |
The WKB approximation. |
Lecture #13 |
Feb 24 |
lec13.pdf |
Bohr-Sommerfeld quantization rules. Semiclassical barrier tunneling. Gamow's theory of alpha-decay. |
Lecture #14 |
Feb 27 |
lec14.pdf |
Connection formulae in WKB. |
Lecture #15 |
Mar 10 |
lec15.pdf |
Time-dependence and transitions between states. |
Lecture #16 |
Mar 12 |
lec16.pdf |
Time-dependent perturbation theory. |
Lecture #17 |
Mar 17 |
lec17.pdf |
Harmonic perturbation. |
Lecture #18 |
Mar 19 |
lec18.pdf |
Fermi's golden rule. Second order transitions. |
Lecture #19 |
Mar 31 |
lec19.pdf |
Selection rules for dipole transitions. |
Lecture #20 |
Apr 2 |
lec20.pdf |
Oscillator strength. Scattering of classical particles. |
Lecture #21 |
Apr 7 |
lec21.pdf |
Quantum scattering. Partial wave analysis. Phase shifts. |
Lecture #22 |
Apr 9 |
lec22.pdf |
The Born Approximation. |
Lecture #23 |
Apr 21 |
lec23.pdf |
The adiabatic theorem. |
Lecture #24 |
April 23 |
lec24.pdf |
Berry's phase. |
Lecture #25 |
Apr 28 |
lec25.pdf |
Aharonov-Bohm effect. |
Lecture #26 |
Apr 30 |
lec26.pdf |
Relativistic quantum mechanics. Klein-Gordon and Dirac equations. |
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